This menu is used for sending mail. It includes composing and sending mail, replying mail which you receive or editing mail in the [Draft Box].Click the [Compose] button,the following dialog box will appear.
To |
Enter the e-mail address to which you want to send this message. |
Cc |
Enter the e-mail address to which you want to send a copy of this message. |
Bcc |
Enter the the e-mail address to which you want to send a blind carbon copy of this message. |
Recent contacts |
Listed the recent contacts, maybe selete a contacts and automatic fill the To textbox. |
Subject |
Enter the subject of the message. |
Request Notify |
To get a confirmation after the message had been read,click the checkbox. |
Save to Sent |
To send a copy of this message to [Folders]->[Sent],click the checkbox. |
S/MIME Encrypt |
Using the receiver's certificate encrypt the new message, so that prevent anyone monitor the message. |
S/MIME Signature |
Using the receiver's certificate signature the new message, and the receiver can check valid of the message by the certificate. |
Check Receiver's CA |
Check the receiver's certificate validity. |
Priority |
Select priority of the message.The icon means this massage's priority is high, the icon means low and no icon means normal. |
Htm/Textl Editor |
Select a editor to edit the message. |
Spell Check |
Check the new message content word validity, and then give some suggestion. |
To send a message to multiple Receivers, enter their e-mail addresses placing the comma (,) or the semicolon (;) between them.
To select e-mail address from the Address Book, click the icon , , and then select the address or group in the e-mail column or [Compose] checking TO, CC and BCC one by one.
Click the check box of e-mail address and then click [OK] button.
Attach new file
Click the [Attach new file] button,the following dialog box will appear.

Click the [Browse] button->Select a file->Click the [Attach] button.

After uploading,click the button back to the edited page.You can upload serveral files.
Multimedia Mail
Click the [Voice Mail]or the [Video Mail] to make a multimedia file as the mail's attached document.

Click the [Audio Mail] button to record,the following screen will appear.It's like the console of a radio. For making an audio mail,you can click the button just like recorder[ ],stop( )or play[ ]. After recording, click on [Ok] to be attached in your email or click on [Close].

Click the [Video Mail] for recording video email, then, a picture for capturing video will be showed as following, and you can preview[ ], capture[ ], stop[ ] or play[ ] your video take. After capturing, click the [Ok] button to be attached in your email or click the [Close] button.

Click the [Activex Setup] button to download and setup ActiveX.
Compose an HTML Message.
Compose aa TEXT Message.
HTML Edit Tool Bar

Cut: Move the selected content to clipboard. |
Copy: Copy the selected content to clipboard. |
Paste: Insert the content on clipboard to the current cursor position. |
Undo: Undo previous action. |
Redo: Recover the canceled action. |
Bold: Bold selected content. |
Italic: Italicize selected content. |
Underline: Underline selected area. |
Insert HTML: Insert a HTML, such as http:// etc. |
Insert image:Press this button to insert a image to the message. |
Insert Table: Press this button to insert a custom table to the message. |
Insert Horizontal Line: Insert a Horizontal Line. |
Font color: Set fond color for selected content. |
Set background color: Set background color. |
Notepapers:Select a notepaper as the background. |
Set font for selected content. |
Set size for selected content. |
Flush left: Set selected content in flush left. |
Middle: Set selected content in the middle. |
Flush right: Set selected content in flush right. |
Number: Number the paragraph. |
Bullet: Bullet every paragraph. |
Decrement: Decrease paragraph. |
Increment: Increase paragraph. |
To edit message in HTML format directly,click the checkbox. |
Select signature

Select signature |
Select a signature of the message. How to add a signature. |
Send and Save to Draft
Send |
Click the button to send the message. |
Save to draft |
Click the [Save to draft] button to save the message to [Draft]. |
Send to |
Select a public folder then click the [Send to] button to send the message to it. |
Public folder |
Select a public folder which you would like to send the message to. |